2022 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

2022 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

AgendaMinutes / Recordings


  1. Catherine - Task 321 – document and board list expiration
  2. Harry - Document Checklist 
  3. Jenn - Financial Stability tab
  4. Jenn - DND
  5. Herb - TUHF report attestation Task 110
  6. Herb - Emulation
  7. Herb - TGRIP response time


Present: Amory, Lory, Jennifer, Denise, Herb, Andrea, Harry, Kim, Niro, Tara, Tina

  • Catherine - Task 321 – document and board list expiration
    • Ensure DND is a part of the listing
    • Does it show externally?
    • Check if notifications will be sent to anyone
    • Follow-up on details how to see and
  • Harry - Document Checklist – leave as is and not build; tools are available currently that will do the necessary auditing; Change Request would be needed to pursue again
  • Jenn - Financial Stability tab (Org level and can be completed multiple times)
    • Financial risk assessment is required
    • Herb has responded via email
    • Catherine  -- New fields requested to be optional
    • Each program may have different validations and scenarios
    • High / Medium / Low Risk indicator
      • Will need requirements for how this is set
    • Denise suggested each program can add a Note for their own review
    • Catherine suggested adding a column to list view of high visibility note exists
    • Niro: Can Notes be pulled into a report? Export a report of risk indicators?
    • Herb, Jennifer, Catherine, Niro – Catherine will set up a meeting
    • Where do we see the submitted financial statements?
  • Jenn - DND
    • Is it updated yearly? May be a part of Task 321
    • Jennifer states that it does need to be updated on a regular basis
  • Herb - TUHF report attestation Task 1107
    • TUHF needs signing authority for attestation and requested validation is the signing authority
    • Name and date currently exist
    • SSHA / PFR / SNP / SDFA – reports can be submitted anyone with full access
    • Can this functionality be assigned to only TUHF?
    • ? add a role for report submission ?
    • Denise: add role of the person attested to onscreen display – Herb though this might help
    • LASO is still deciding
    • Harry and Catherine will speak with Cameron first and report back to Herb
  • Herb - Emulation
    • Herb has a listing of people to be added
    • Grant Staff can emulate a Manager but not Sys Admin
    • Programs all agree that a Manager will not delegate to a lower level
      • Update so Manager cannot be emulated
  • Herb - TGRIP response time
    • Response time of the system is quite slow for external users
    • Only some pages have spinning icons but not all
    • Are they behind their network firewalls or external? Unknown but internal users notice the same
    • Response time of the system


  1. Revisions Required Email template
  2. Task Queue numbers
  3. DND timeline
  4. ATSS1 Support Role


  • Welcome to Ben McIntosh
  • Task Queue – please try to close tasks; reach out to C&H if assistance is required
  • Revisions Required email is updated and other Divisions will sign-off and report back to Denise
  • DND to have no time limit for mandatory upload
  • ATSS Support – Divisional IT wants clear definitions of what they should and should not be doing
    • Who is the Global person? What's the difference between Sys Admin and Global Admin?
    • Why is Corp IT no longer available? Can we explore what supports can be available for us
    • Matrix of roles and training needed? ARO, Sys Admin,
      • Working group: Catherine, Niro, TPH IT person, Jennifer
        • Catherine to setup meeting after document is created




Session timeouts



  1. Task 1393 - Users being signed out of SmartSimple (Harry)
  2. TGRIP Program Versioning (Catherine)
  3. System Admin role (Catherine)
  4. Findhelp/211 (Jennifer)
  5. User Guides (Veronica)


  1. Task 1393 - Users being signed out of SmartSimple (Harry)
    1. Continue to monitor and record issues
  2. TGRIP Program Versioning (Catherine)
    1. Versioning is system wide not program scale
    2. Effect of versioning if in the middle of doing something already?
    3. Timelines would need to be coordinated and shared
    4. What IT support, etc. is needed to ensure versioning is smoothly implemented
    5. Speak to Cameron (how does reporting work?) and come back to group  Versioning - SmartWiki (smartsimple.com)
  3. System Admin role (Catherine)
    1. Comparison of Sys Admin vs Power User role -- and what it means
    2. Permissions that would not be needed
    3. Volunteers to be requested early May to test out the Power User
  4. Findhelp/211 (Jennifer)
    1. CSP used have it to mandatory to be in 211
    2. Org Profile in TGRIP is similar to 211 – is there an integration option available?
    3. Some grantees are not in the 211 mandate so shouldn't be a part of a push e.g. PFR/LASO/SNP
    4. Export a report by Division instead and email to 211
  5. Veronica asked for reports and user guides others may have to be shared with her and she will do the same


Training Presentation from HSI Project

  1. Training Update (Catherine)
  2. Budgets (Harry)
  3. Open Tasks (Catherine)
  4. Monitoring and Support Meeting scheduled date (Linda)
  5. Governance (Denise)


  1. List of attendees to be finalized and shared with C&H
  2. Licenses, Maintenance, Support, and Change Requests budgeting
    1. Task Queue – please try to close tasks; reach out to C&H if assistance is required


  1. Training (Catherine)
  2. Invoices (Catherine)
  3. Signority issues with apostrophes in first or last name (Catherine)
  4. Metrics Workgroup (Harry)
  1. Training (Catherine)
    1. Meeting set with attendees to discuss training format, content, and potential dates
  2. Invoices (Catherine)
    1. PMMD issued CRO number to be sent to Catherine and SmartSimple
  3. Signority issues with apostrophes in first or last name (Catherine)
    1. Report issues to Internal Review under Task 1537
  4. Metrics (Harry)
    1. Working group with Harry – Jennifer
    2. Please send documents of metrics that you may have from the onset of TGRIP
  5. Common generic build (Harry)
    1. SDFA is in the process of building a generic build with built-in flexibility for multiple program    

Notes from Patricia NArine:

Welcome to Ellen - SNP

  • Taking over for SNP from Denise on leave for 6 months
  1. Training
  • List of attendees for training to be sent to Catherine or Harry
  • Training may be computer based over a year or the classroom setting (over a few days)
  • Consensus for a decision
  • End of June is the target date to have list of people who would like to be trained
  • If you require more time please update Catherine
  • 10 Slots for training (5+ by end of year)
  • Capacity for more but we will have to pay for any spots that exceed the maximum
  1. Budgets
  • 2023 look at licences and consider increasing the budget
  • Training and supports – consider costs
  • Come back to steering committee with  2023 numbers
  • Each division will get the details ….so you know if you need to add budget  
  • Contributions from each division – if we exceed the total budget
  • Update potentially in July
  • Denise (project sponsor will decide consider next steps if there licence request exceed central budget)
  • Potential for corporate IT to support
  1. Tasks
  • Reminder if you have tasks that are open …please close them
  • 63 tasks ….if you need another run through on task happy to close them out
  • Do the reports on how long task stay open ….please be mindful of the KPI
  • Close them as they arise
  • Linda – can we retroactively add a monitoring date? 
    • Sometimes it outside of the system and then ARO enters when they are at their desk
    • Some divisions do not allow (THP) do not allow for back date
    • 7 days work …the 7 day limit was initiated by SSHA
    • You can edit any meeting but can't backdate
    • Consider allowing 5 days
  1. Links to reporting manual with videos from (CSP reporting)
  • 6 pages are very generic
  • Updating contacts
  • Linda will share final to Jenny…
  • Videos are hosted on Loom – extension on webrowser

Business arising:

Update on governance


When we submitted business case there was looking to understand efficiency…Mini was collecting data

    • Question: Where is this at

Harry …COVID Delays …. lots of heavy lifting up front …we need to get things running before we can assess, or we will see work effort of builds


Is this something we will be expected to report back on

HSI does not track hours of staff…..if we wanted to do that we would have to do it together

Is it worth having a meeting item to develop common tracking

Set a future meeting to think about common metrics for measuring TGRIP productivity


Payments for outstanding SmartSimple invoices Part 1

Webex meeting recording: Steering Cmte Financial Support (Part 1) 2022-08-29
Recording link: https://toronto.webex.com/toronto/ldr.php?RCID=9e3c5b612d752ac0a43c5d7ffb862c35


Payments for outstanding SmartSimple invoices Part 2

Webex meeting recording: Steering Cmte Financial Support (Part 2) 2022-08-31
Recording link: https://toronto.webex.com/toronto/ldr.php?RCID=78885815c61e9407a2c996be4b826720


  1. Project Updates
  2. Accounting and Invoices
  3. HIPS request for Org Profile
  4. Versioning
  5. Training Updates
TGRIP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes 2022-09-20


  1. Project Updates
  2. Year-End Targets for Program Completion
  3. Training Updates
  4. Divisional Agreements
    1. Document Library
TGRIP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes 2022-10-18


  1. Change to Articles of Incorporation
  2. Payment Processing MOU
  3. Storing SAP vendor numbers in TGRIP
  4. MFA
  5. Approval Levels for FO launch
TGRIP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes 2022-11-15


  1. Harry – SmartSimple Contract
  2. Harry & Catherine - Divisional MOUs for payment processing
  3. Harry & Catherine - Training Status Update and Timelines
  4. Catherine – Shared documents on Confluence
  5. Harry & Catherine – Multi-Factor Authentication
  6. Ellen - internal-use-only Organization
TGRIP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes 2022-12-20