2021 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

2021 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

AgendaMinutes / Recordings


  1. Chioma and Matt work status
  2. Cameron's position and role
  3. Denise: SNP
  4. Chioma - Licenses and Budget
  5. Declaration of Non-Disclosure
  6. Internal Code of Conduct
  7. TT321
  8. TT745
  9. Addition of sub-tabs onscreen




  1. Monitoring
  2. E-Signature Update
  3. Licensing Update
  4. New Position
  5. Education Institutions Documents tab

  6. Financial Stability Tab
  7. Payments Process

  8. Staff Roles

  9. Comms and Training


  1. Land Acknowledgement
  2. Welcome to Tina Cumby
  3. HSI-P – information sharing: Task 353 -- Education Institutions Documents tab
  4. HSI-P– reminder to complete Staff Roles matrix
  5. HSI-P- information sharing: external website
  6. Discussion points

  1. Land Acknowledgement
  2. welcome to Tina and round table introductions
  3. HSI-P – Task 353 -- Education Institutions Documents tab
  4. HSI-P– reminder to complete Staff Roles matrix; Excel sent via email after meeting https://confluence.csd.toronto.ca/display/CSI/Roles+and+User+List
  5. HSI-P- information sharing: external website – current divisional separations and processes to remain https://www.toronto.ca/services-payments/grants-incentives-rebates/
  6. Discussion points
    1. ATSS1 roles and responsibilities
    2. Programs coming online – no plans for new programs until the existing programs are complete
    3. Request for Bird's Eye View of timelines of initial timelines with understanding that delays and resource changes have impacted these; Excel of Program timelines sent after meeting
    4. Prior to year's end need to have a conversation about changes that can be completed post-delivery and how that will be accomplished


  1. Land Acknowledgement
  2. HSI-P/SSHA - Organization Profile
  3. HSI-P - Signority fees for upcoming year
  4. HSI-P - Signority notification emails
  5. Denise - Signority text displayed in TGRIP


  1. Land Acknowledgement
  2. HSI-P/SSHA - Organization Profile: addition of  Yes/No questions addressing Anti-Black Racism and Indigenous Reconciliation; mandatory?
  3. HSI-P - Signority fees for upcoming year - what Division will take ownership and pay; charge backs to Divisions based on usage
  4. HSI-P - copy email to Grant Staff on Signority notification of all signatures being received on document; amount of emails will equal amount of documents sent for signature 
  5. Deleted from Agenda -  Pam confirmed removal on Aug 11 via email


  1. Land Acknowledgement
  2. HSI - accounts when staff leave or arrive
  3. HSI - TGRIP general inbox
  4. HSI - default email Reply To and From inside TGRIP to ensure email delivery
  5. HSI - changing the Funding Opportunity Lead when staff leave
  6. HSI - Annual Records
  7. Jennifer - follow-up on Audit Letters 
  8. Denise - ATSS1 responsibilities
  9. HSI - Signority renewal


  1. Land Acknowledgement
  2. HSI - reminder to update accounts when staff leave or arrive
  3. HSI - TGRIP general inbox
  4. HSI - default email Reply To and From inside TGRIP to ensure email delivery TGRIPNoReply@toronto.ca
  5. HSI - reminder to change the Funding Opportunity Lead when staff leave
  6. HSI - Annual Records
  7. Jennifer - follow-up on Audit Letters 
  8. Denise - ATSS1 responsibilities
  9. HSI - Signority renewal update


  1. Land Acknowledgement
  2. Denise - ATSS1 responsibilities
  3. HSI - Annual Records
  4. HSI - default email Reply To and From inside TGRIP to ensure email delivery
  5. HSI - changing the Funding Opportunity Lead when staff leave
  6. HSI - accounts when staff leave or arrive
  7. HSI - Signority renewal

2021-09-28 Steering Committee Sept part two

Present: Tina, Harry, Amory, Denise, Jennifer, Lory, Niro

  1. Annual records (continued) (Harry)
    • Document Checklist now not needed? Existing tools e.g. Monitoring and Follow-up are sufficient
      • Denise: having the option of the checklist is useful; does not stop applications from moving forward
  2. Follow Up on Audit Letters (Jennifer)
  • Org report of monies issued for the fiscal year
  • Will be the amounts Paid (this helps SSHA using surplus, etc.)
  • Agreeable: SNP, SSHA, PF&R,

3. HSI - Accounts when staff leave or arrive (task 954) (Catherine)

4. Confirm only emailed to Active users

  • Agreeable to Division staff: SSHA, EDC, SNP; SDFA

5. Default email Reply To and From inside TGRIP to ensure email delivery (Catherine)

  • Send details to group via email

6. Changing the Funding Opportunity Lead when staff leave (Catherine)

  • History should not be changed
  • Current should be able to change to correct person
  • Agreeable to change: Lory; PF&R; SNP; SSHA; SDFA

7. Info sharing about Signority status (Catherine)

  • Shared current state

8. Issues with merged editable PDFs (Denise)

  • Portion of embedded PDF are not in the contract and left blank; resigning may be needed
  • SSHA, Lory, CSP have not noticed

9. Grant application indicating name and date of submission (Denise)

  • Displays in History only not onscreen for internal staff
  • Not displayed at all for external staff and not captured elsewhere
  • Unclear who signed and submitted the applications; would like to be added onscreen
  • Agreeable to change: SSHA (attest is the same as submitted)

10. ATSS1 has been chosen; start date in early October 2021


  1. Land Acknowledgement (Tina)
  2. Annual documents (Catherine)
  3. Grant staff emulation (Catherine)
  4. Task Tracker (Catherine)
  5. Attestation (Harry)
  6. Applicant name/date of submission follow up (Denise)


  1. Land Acknowledgement (Tina)
  2. Introduce Busola
  3. Annual documents (Catherine)
    1. Repository of information not for review purposes
    2. Individual documents can be uploaded and not all are needed
    3. Retention policy – none in place currently
    4. Archiving policy needs to be aligned with City requirements
    5. Will tabs go away – get a listing of what will be removed – timeline of removal
    6. Existing documents will remain from the existing tabs and moved to the new area
    7. Ensure not broken -- Legal Agreements will still connect the NDD correctly
    8. Does TGRIP have a document CLASS? Catherine will find out
  4. Grant Staff emulation (Catherine)
    1. Denise: helpful to have them emulate
    2. Jennifer: very important
    3. Raise a task -- Is there a way to overwrite the lowest denominator for view and edit rights?
    4. Catherine follow-up: Can we create a new role specifically for Grant Staff to emulate?
      1. Answer: yes, and it was created "Emulator"
    5. Jenn and Niro are willing to help with testing
  5. Task Tracker (Catherine)
    1. Close tasks that can be closed and are complete
  6. Attestation (Harry)
  7. Applicant name/date of submission follow up (Denise)
  8. External Reviewer application
    1. Busola will run a report of those who have answered YES to joining other City grant programs


TGRIP Training Needs


Present: Amory Ngan, Andrea Raymond-Wong, Busola Fajolu, Catherine Kelly, Denise Vavaroutsos, Harry Fong, Jennifer Hoffman, Lory Diaz, Niro Xavier

Training needs for divisional IT and other users (Jennifer)

  • Three training needs:
  • What we need to support ATTS1 position
  • Divisional IT
  • Staff users
  • Denise: SNP invites divisional IT staff to trainings – Does not replace proper training but does help get their mind into it, understanding of the business as TGRIP is evolving – Could they change forms, could they do this? Changing words of questions, deleting questions, just not adding questions with other functionality – Do not do these things independently yet
  • No budget for formal training for divisional IT – The moneys paid were only for configuration and development of software, not training – We need to think about getting budget for training from Resolved
  • Do we need to start working toward medium-to-long term training plan and maintenance plan for new hires?
  • Amory: Budget for things like changing a question and other easy changes, can Catherine and Harry help with these? When do we lose Cameron? When do we lose Harry and Catherine? No timelines for Cameron because it is fixed bid until all programs are in production – Other programs have asked to come on, which may add some time – Catherine and Harry are also available until programs are done, then go back to HIS – In the interim, then, record divisional trainings as they are being developed and added to tutorials list? Tutorials added thus far and will record training for Busola to add there as well, but these are systems training; no formal user training or documentation – Denise: What SNP has done – Team writes down every step and takes pictures of important screens and creating own user guides for each main component of the workflow – Would like some proper training, however, as demos go too fast
  • Need to develop some standards, especially for when there is staff turnover
  • Would also like to have a point person for managing the training plan
  • SDFA updates training to their intranet page for program-specific training – Perhaps make use of SPOT for divisional trainings
  • Years ago, it was mentioned that corporate IT or somewhere else at the City was going to get involved to design training program internally – Did Minnie get a commitment from that team? If so, could we resurface that?
  • Need training about how to change things without affecting everyone else
  • Have another system admin training with Cameron coming up
  • Herbert: Can we put together wish list for upcoming training? Yes – Bring to next session with Cam
  • Niro: At what point can we anticipate that there will be no more changes?

Investigations form and process - Address this design now while we are gearing up for the 2022 programs or delay into 2022? (Harry)

  • Will need some time for us to let Harry know what these forms will look like
  • Received one document from Herb so far
  • SSHA is primary user – Used as an element in beginning the process of defunding programs – Not something we will be using right now, but definitely something we will work on and get to Harry – Did not arrive at consensus – PFNR do not do investigations, but would use forms – Council requested all grants to have some sort of complaints and investigations process
  • Can SSHA just move forward with building and using this – It was request from auditor – Would have to be tied to organizational level
  • Delay into 2022

Submitted By (Harry)

  • Keep as 4 fields
  • Caption: Keep the same

Grant Staff Contacts on Application Form (Harry)

  • Ask long as tiles shoe correct numbers, we are good with it

Annual documents tabs (Catherine)

  • Compiled all info that everyone sent back into the Excel sheet
  • There is only one document that all divisions consider mandatory
  • Therefore, tab is not feasible – Document swill be left in their current locations

Smart Simple licensing (Catherine)

  • Catherine sent out Smart Simple sales orders for signatures from Signority – Reminder to sign – This is an annual process
  • Will each division pay invoice directly to Smart Simple – Herb to follow up with email with information such as purchase order, etc. – Catherine will share info with group

New role for grants staff to emulate others (Catherine)

  • Testing new user role –Role is emulator – Allows user to emulate external user
    • Added to production yesterday but has not be assigned to anyone with exception of one ARO Everyone spare someone; let Catherine know – Catherine will send email to follow up (follow-up email completed requesting testers in PROD)

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