Org profile: Educational Orgs have a Documents tab, with the ability to upload Audited Financials, but not mandatory. These fields are hidden for the Applicant Limited Access contacts, just like on non-Educational Orgs.
Removing Holds: If a payment is submitted to the Manager as "Hold Requested", should the manager be able to simply approve it for payment rather than first declining the Hold Request? (Basically overriding the hold request?) Or should the system force the manager to actively make a decision on the Hold Request?
Batch Approving Hold RELEASE Request: Similar question to the one above: If a payments is submitted to the Manager as "Hold Release Requested", if the manager doesn't make a decision but simply batch approves it, should the approval override the fact it was previously on hold and assume approval of the Hold Release Request? Or should the Manager be forced to make an active decision on the Hold Release Request before it can be approved for payment?
Common Email template request: There is mention of an email to the Applicant if a Payment is placed On Hold. Please provide the email content (Subject & Body). I will merge in the "External" comments field completed by Grant Staff.
Common Email template request: As with the above, if an email should be sent to the Applicant when a Hold Release Request is approved (i.e. Payment is Scheduled) please provide the email content (Subject & Body)
Cancelling payment(s): How should we handle it if the Grant Staff Hold Release Recommendation is "Cancel Payments" instead of "Schedule Payments"? If the Grant Manager "Approves" the hold release with that recommendation, should it cancel this and all future payments?
Catherine Kelly
email / Steering Committee
All outstanding issues agreed upon and Task closed.
closed: 187
Monitoring, Investigations, Enhanced Monitoring, and Risk Assessment Forms
Common forms for use by all programs
Harry Fong
All outstanding issues agreed upon and Task closed.
Monitoring Meetings and Follow-Ups
Pending Meetings – Your home page is currently set to display pending scheduled meetings for the upcoming 60 days. Is this time frame acceptable? Should it be shorter? Longer?
Automatic Scheduling of Monitoring Activities – Do we want the system to automatically schedule monitoring activities? If Yes, details would need to be provided.
Cameron explains:
Staff can manually create and schedule "Pending" Monitoring activities for the future. For each program, if there is a rule about how often they'd like to set these up we can automatically create the tentative activities when the application is Approved, which would then be moved to "Pending" when the application goes to Active status. For example, if a 3-year award wants annual monitoring, the system could create 3 Monitoring activities with tentative scheduled date of January 1st for each year
Confirmation required of your understanding that Applicants do NOT see any Monitoring Meetings details
Is the Follow-up email schedule appropriate?
When Assigned (Scheduled)
1 week before due date (if the Scheduled date was at least 1 week away)
On due date
2 days after due date
Then looping weekly
Is the Follow-up Revision Request email schedule appropriate?
When revision requested
Looping weekly
Completed Follow-up – All Follow-ups that have been completed by the Applicant are NOT displayed anywhere for them. Is this acceptable? If No, where in their portal do you think it should be available?
Follow-up Related Activity Types – The Related Activity options when creating a Follow-up are "None", "Monitoring Meeting", and the pending "Communication Log". Are there any Related Activity Types that need to be added to this list? For example, HASS Reports, TUHF Reports, CSP Reports, CFRP Reports, SNP Trustee Reports, HASS CLDR.
From: Harry Fong Sent: August 31, 2021 10:48 AM To: Herbert Co; Denise Vavaroutsos; Jennifer Hoffman; Andrea Raymond-Wong; Amory Ngan; Tara Mabon; Lory Diaz; Niro Xavier; Tina Cumby; Catherine Kelly Subject: Code of Conduct
Hi everyone
Cameron has implemented our request to have a separate Code of Conduct applied to all external reviewers and internal reviewers as provided by Hillary/Herb.
When setting up the Review Meeting, a Review Administrator (Staff) is assigned to the Meeting.
I want to confirm from you that the Review Administrator does not need to agree to the Code of Conduct for the meeting if they are not a reviewer. If the Review Administrator is also a reviewer, then they would need to agree. Please let me know otherwise.