HSI HSI-DataSync-OW PROD Release ver1.0 on Websphere 9

HSI HSI-DataSync-OW PROD Release ver1.0 on Websphere 9

1 Introduction

HSI-DataSync-OW, is a Spring Boot application that is responsible for providing one way synchronization of data from TESS to Salesforce.

Despite being a Spring Boot application, the build is configured to produce a .ear file: hsi-datasync-ow.ear

2 Configuration


Before configure setup for HSI-Datasync-OW, make sure already setup for HSI-Datasync-TCS, if not, please follow up HSI-Datasync-TCS (env related) setup.

Here only for HSI-Datasync-OW features and OW Data API related configuration (not include configuration with Salesforce).

2.1 WAS App Server System Properties

In WAS admin console, navigate to: Servers -> Server Types -> WebSphere Application Servers -> click the server of HSI-Intranet -> on Configuration tab -> Java and Process Management -> Process definition -> Java Virtual Machine -> Custom properties. Define following properties.


hsi.owdata.authKey{Key person manual input}

2.2 Proxy configuration for outbound API calls

In order to make outbound API calls to salesforce, we must define a proxy.





-Dhttps.nonProxyHosts={authentication host}  | {OW DATA Api host}

authentication hostinsideto-secure.toronto.ca
OW Data API hostmvtessinet01p.corp.toronto.ca

2.3 TrustStore and Certificates

Communicating with OW Data API is based on a Restful service (HTTPs), so it need OW Data API's host certificate.

It can be retrieved from Websphere console.


1) Login into Websphere Console;

2) Navigate to Security > SSL certificate and key management > Key stores and certificates > {select a truststore in cell/node} >Signer certificates > Retrieve from port

here is local dev example

3) Retrieve certificate via "Retrieve from Port":

SSL configuration for outbound connection{selected trust store}
AliasOW Data