2. Support

2. Support


1) email notice

Typechecking pointFollow up
RGI email email notice for RGI datasync at 8:30 amIf no this email, follow up with Sumathi Vasudevan <Sumathi.Vasudevan@toronto.ca>
TESS email (for OW)email notice around 7:04 am with today's available counts
OW emailemail notice around 10:25 amNeed compare the upload counts with TESS email's count
Error/Alert emailemail error with upload issuecheck production logs to find out what's root cause
Fairpass authentication error emailIf it's happened in the night, and now it's no error, it can be ignored.If the error is still latest, please contact DTS department.

2) log file monitor (Websphere production)

Suggest check the logs hourly, just make sure no error/exception in the log files (the lag time maybe 20-30 mins)

3) Event tracking

Once there is an error/issue happened in Salesforce, need check log files and collecting related json format record to follow up, it depends on ticket request.

4) Jenkins' job testing

Once a job started for a testing, e.g. current Fairpass online job is enabled, there is a job starts every 10 mins, need check the job status in Jenkins scheduler server (QA).

5) Password reset for HSI_Integration account for Fairpass online authentication.

Account NameEnvironmentResetContact


PROD (Websphere)password will expire after 1 year, need a ticket to update new passwordNeed Harry Fong help raise ticket and reset password


QA (Websphere)password will expire after 1 year, need an email to webmaster to update new passwordAfter reset password, copy to Harry and contact webmaster to update the password

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