Source Code

Source Code

Source code of HSI Datasync application are kept in Bitbucket server of TCS

HSI DataSync Job scriptsall type of data application will be schedule jobs, under: Harmony-DataSync
HSIDataSyncTCSSync Children Service (TCS) parent/children/household records to Salesforce
HSIDataSyncOWSync TESS OW records to salesforce
HSIDataSyncRGISync SSHA(RGI)/Yardi records to Salesforce
HSIDataysncFPSync Fairpass Online records to Salesforce

HSI Datasync applications are scheduled run by Jenkins pipeline server

Configuration in Jenkins pipeline server (QA)

The source code has been migrated to GitLab, and its Git repositories are shown as follows. It can be pulled from GitLab and executed as a Spring Boot application on an embedded Tomcat server, in contrast to the previously utilized WebSphere Application Server on a local workstation. The deployment EAR file for SIT WAS is transferred via scp through a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) process to the smb://snowbird.corp.toronto.ca/inet/webas/lib/HSI-Intranet/ directory. This process can be configured for the desired folder in the gitlab-ci.yml file. 

For the HSI DataSync Job scripts, the develop branch is utilized by Jenkins in the QA environment to schedule jobs using the service account hsisysidqa. However, the Jenkins pipeline server in the production environment is still using the main branch from the previous source code in Bitbucket.

For HSIDataSyncTCS, HSIDataSyncOW, HSIDataSyncRGI and HSIDataysncFP, the code has been updated to utilize the AuthSession API 2.0, as opposed to the previous implementation using AuthSession API 1.0. 

For HSIDataSyncOW, updates have been made to improve its ability to handle a large number of data items. Furthermore, the application has been successfully deployed to both the QA and PROD environments.