4. Role Permission

4. Role Permission

There are 2 roles related HSI Datasync applications, one is support, the other is code development.

Support Role:

PermissioncontentWho can helpcomment
shared email accounthsiitsupport@td.comHarry Fong
application logshttp://noah-b1/logs/HSI-Intranet/ (QA)
http://sparta-b1/logs/HSI-Intranet/ (QA)
https://applogs.toronto.ca/scorpio-a1/HSI-Intranet/ (PROD)
https://applogs.toronto.ca/leda-a1/HSI-Intranet/ (PROD)

Webmaster team
Bojan Milo;
Kanwar Singh

log files of PROD are lagged about 20 - 30 mins.
schedule jobs (Jenkins) (QA)https://scheduler-qa.csd.toronto.ca/job/Harmony%20Scheduler/TCS IT devop team
Antonio Hon
Deval Parikh

Code Development Role

Permissioncontenthow to requestcomment
Bitbucket (source code) serverhttps://bitbucket.csd.toronto.ca/projects/HSITCS IT
Tim He
Clark Gao

Jenkins build server (QA)https://jenkins.csd.toronto.ca/job/Harmony/TCS IT devop team
Antonio Hon
Deval Parikh

Release/deploy output\\tcsfs.csd.toronto.ca\devZone\iShare\was9\releaseCandidates\HSI\RGITCS IT devop team
Antonio Hon
Deval Parikh
when release branch created,
there is an auto build ear file output to the folder by Build Script
Database AccessCSIS Database (QA);
SSHA Database(QA)
refer configuration part