(3) HSI-DataSync-RGI Release 1.0 on Websphere 9

(3) HSI-DataSync-RGI Release 1.0 on Websphere 9

1 Introduction

HSI-DataSync-RGI, is a Spring Boot application that is responsible for providing one way synchronization of data from SSHA(RGI) to Salesforce.

Despite being a Spring Boot application, the build is configured to produce a .ear file: hsi-datasync-rgi.ear

2 Configuration


Before configure setup for HSI-Datasync-RGI, make sure already setup for HSI-Datasync-TCS, if not, please follow up HSI-Datasync-TCS (env related) setup.

Here only for HSI-Datasync-RGI features and RGI Data API related configuration (not include configuration with Salesforce).

2.1 WAS App Server System Properties

In WAS admin console, navigate to: Servers -> Server Types -> WebSphere Application Servers -> click the server of HSI-Intranet -> on Configuration tab -> Java and Process Management -> Process definition -> Java Virtual Machine -> Custom properties. Define following properties.





2.2 JVM Properties setup

Navigate Servers – Server Types – WebSphere application servers – server1 – Java and Process Management – Process definition – Java Virtual Machine:

Add JVM arguments: -Dcom.ibm.jsse2.overrideDefaultTLS=true

2.3 MS SQL database datasource setup

2.3.1 MS SQL JDBC driver jar file

Here applies Microsoft SQL Server JDBC jar: mssql-jdbc-7.4.1.jre8.jar

Save the file to a Drive lib path: e.g. WebSphere/AppServer/universalDriver/lib, then the full path: ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/universalDriver/lib/mssql-jdbc-7.4.1.jre8.jar

2.3.2 setup datasource

1) JDBC Provider:  

In WAS admin console, navigate to: Resources-> JDBC -> JDBC providers. Check or define following properties:

Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Provider.

If not existed, please click New:

Then Click "Next",

Here provide JDBC jar file, e.g. ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/universalDriver/lib/mssql-jdbc-7.4.1.jre8.jar  (copy the jar file to universalDriver/lib or other folder)

Here is snapshot of local setup:

2) J2C authentication data (Database access setup)

navigate to: Security -> Global security → (Right side of Page) Java Authentication and Authorization Service → J2C authentication data:

click New:  (input as in the table)

ParamsValue (QA)Value (PROD)
Password'RZ\p$HT=P%$ZHvr7B6.u'xauk"hM:3%F.&u(Provided by Database Admin)

3) Data sources:

navigate to: Resources-> JDBC →Data sources: click New:

Data source name: RGI

JNDI name: jdbc/rgi

Add below variables:

VariableValue(QA)Value (PROD)

MVSSHSQL01P (secured)

(torms201.corp.toronto.ca - not secure)


, next step click "Finish".

Re-open the data source:

Verify the connection by click "Test connection".