Fair Pass Renewal Job

Fair Pass Renewal Job

Description: On the 1st and 16th of each month, all Fair Pass service deliveries with CRM Status = Active AND an End Date = within the next 15 days are flagged for renewal.

For those files, the following happens:

  • CRM Status is changed to Active Pending Renewal

  • A Client Interaction is created for that client to indicate FP Renewal

  • Associated PRESTO Card number is populated into a file for download

Apex Job: HSI_FP_Renewal_Batch


Ongoing Issue 1:

Biweekly job excludes a certain number of PRESTO Card numbers from the file for download.

These files were included in the job - an interaction is created, and the status is updated.

Reason unknown.

Interim solution:

Business has been re-running the job manually to create a second file with excluded cards when advised by Operations (query in comments)


Ongoing Issue 2:

Biweekly job excludes a certain number of files where the criteria is met.

These files were not included in the job - an interaction is not created, and the status is not updated (remains Active).

Reason unknown.

Interim solution:

Business has been re-running the job manually when advised by Operations: HSI_FP_Renewal_Batch


Long Term solution:

Fair Pass Renewal process is expected to be revised and rebuilt in 2024.