Fair pass Salesforce tasks

Fair pass Salesforce tasks

FPA data migration to Salesforcecreate/update client, create service history
Online application data processing in CRMParse incoming platform event, store data on service delivery object
Process unprocessed applications from service delivery object Select unprocessed applications to match client, update clients, create interactions, create service delivery to client records
FP Eligibility rulesDevelop eligibility flows on interactions.
List viewsCreate list views to identify new application, renewal, card error, replacement.
CSV download for PVS upload for eligible clientsIdentify eligible clients not yet processed and generate CSV file with presto card#
CSV upload to Salesforce for result from PVSUpload one or multiple files to Salesforce to apply result of PVS to client submitted earlier to PVS. 
Close interactionBased on success/failure from PVS apply appropriate interaction codes to interaction and close it. Notify client via email for success/failure.
Transfer file processing

Process platform event to apply updates of old card# to new one on client.