Requirements Document Template
Requirements Document Template
Application Form
- Org Info
- General Information
- Project Clients
- Budget
- Work plan
- Partnerships
- Project Summary
- Financial Health
- Governance
- HR
- Access & Equity
- Engagement
- Core Funding
- Demographics
- Locations Served
- Vulnerable Populations
- Logic Model
- Planning
- Vitality
- Project Proposals
- Rationale
- Funding
- Impact
- Stability
- Equity
- Timeline
- Deliverables
- How many different Programs (Funding Opportunities) do you have?
- How many stages? 1 or 2?
- Invitation Only or Open to anyone?
- Funding cycle period?
- 1 year or multi-year program?
Program Schedule - Deadlines for:
- Application Launch
- Application Deadline
- Review Process
- Allocations
- Approval Process
- Reports (See Reporting section)
- Payments (see Payments)
Review Forms
- How many review forms and reviewers?
- Can they be sent back to reviewer/applicant for more information?
- Who approves?
- Panel Review?
- External Reviewers?
Reports Forms
- Frequency
- Types of reports? Semi-annual and Year End? What happens in multi-year grants
- Are reports due on a fixed calendar date?
- Who can submit reports? Quarterly Reports? Financial Reports?
- Attestation required?
- Allocation lump sum or multiple payments? Split 50/50?
- Conditional?
- List all things that go into the agreement.
- Including Appendices
- Tables
Appeals Forms
- How does your trustee model work?
Cost Centres and Budgets
- What is your cost centre(s)
Payment Exports
- Payment file for export to SAP required?
- Payment field for import from SAP required?