
Do not use the title attribute to create tooltips

The title attribute is not well supported by assistive technologies.

This page provides information related to custom tooltips. Tooltips are small pop-up messages that contain supplemental helper information. They are often used to clarify information required for a form input.

There are multiple problems with custom tooltips from an accessibility perspective:

  • Tooltips are often unavailable or difficult to perceive for people using assistive technology. 
  • Tooltips can be difficult or impossible to open and close for keyboard or mobile users. 
  • The use of too many tooltips can be disruptive when people are trying to complete a task. 
  • Users may find it difficult to find the details they need to complete their task if important information is hidden in a tooltip.


Do not use tooltips for information that users need to complete a task.

When to use a tooltip

  • for supplemental information that is not vital to task completion
  • for short snippets of information only  (no more than  80 characters)

Principles for effective accessible tooltips

See also: /wiki/spaces/AIWS/pages/18482114.

If you must use tooltips, ensure the following:

  • Do not include any interactive elements in a tooltip (e.g. links or buttons).

  • If your tip requires interactive elements, use another design pattern (e.g modal dialog).

  • Make sure the tooltip is centred above or below the element that it refers to, and clearly visually connected
  • Make sure the tooltip can be opened by keyboard  (with ENTER and SPACEBAR keys), tap, or click
  • Make sure the tooltip can be closed by keyboard (with ESC key), tap, or click. Do not include a close button.
  • Follow proper colour contrast requirements for text in the tooltip
  • Use the default body text size for the tooltip
  • Ensure tooltip content does not duplicate other content already on the page.


There is currently no agreed-upon pattern for accessible tooltips recommended by the WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices.

If you must implement a tooltip, observe the principles above, and review Heydon Pickering's article on Tooltips & Toggletips.

Related WCAG Criteria

WCAG 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus

WCAG 2.1.1 Keyboard