Virtual Tour Apps - Accessibility Considerations

Virtual Tour Apps - Accessibility Considerations


This document aims to capture the accessibility features required for applications that look like the Google Map Street View. This type of application allows users to view the environment of a remote location where they may not be able to access the location due to distances.

This document was inspired by the request from ModernTO on the ModernTO - About and Benefits page.

Description of the application:

Below is a screenshot of the modernized floor at City Hall.


Features observed:

This application allows users to interact in the following ways:

  • Press the locations in the left hand side navigation to “quick travel” to the location.

  • Press the up arrow key to the next photo capture location.

  • Use browse the surrounding 360 degrees by press and holding the primary mouse key. Then, move around the computer mouse to change the viewing angle.

  • Recognize the direction for North on the mini-map and the facing direction with the blue cylinder area.

  • Use the mini-map on the right hand side to “quick travel” to different photo capturing location.

  • Hover on the “i” icon to see the popup help text.

Accessibility Features to be Included:

  • Keyboard navigation functionalities when pressing WASD or the arrow keys.

    • Proposal:

      • W, S, Up and Down arrow keys to move forward and backward.

      • A, D, Left and Right arrow keys to pan the angle to left and right.

      • R and Right Shift to pan the angle up

      • F and Right Control to pan the angle down

  • Keyboard navigation to the interactive elements are still valid.

    • All links, buttons, and interactive areas also need to receive keyboard focus and can be interacted when pressing the Enter, Space, Arrow, Tab, Escape, and other related keys.

    • All interactive elements also need to be screen reader accessible.

  • All functions need to be operable with one pointer.

    • Users can zoom in and out by pressing certain buttons.

  • Text alternative for the visible photos.

    • A short description of the overall space.

    • A short description for the key areas. Currently considering leverage the dialog patter for the descriptions of the key areas.

  • Tooltips on the interactive elements need to be more visible with sufficient contrast.

  • Provide a keyboard interaction shortcut instruction for users.

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