Vendor Management

The purpose of the supplier management practice is to ensure that the organization’s suppliers and their performances are managed appropriately to support the seamless provision of quality products and services. Every service provider will depend to some extent on external suppliers and for many of these suppliers for a critical component in the delivery of services and the creation of value. The relationships with every supplier involved in the value chain need to be defined, established, and managed throughout its lifecycle. Performance measures, reporting, scope, and deliverables should be clearly understood and agreed upon by all stakeholders. Any contract in place should underpin the level of service that the provider has committed to with its customer (Service Level Agreements) and as such it is important that supplier management works closely with the service level management practice. As products and services become ever more capable and potentially complex in terms of design and provisioning, organizations rely on a number of suppliers in the overall service model. To address this challenge service integration is required which orchestrates and coordinates all suppliers involved in the development and delivery of products and services. This means there is 14 requirements for the role of a service integrator, this role can be performed by the organization itself or by a third party. The rise for the need for this level of supplier orchestration has led to the development and establishment of the Service Integration and Management (SIAM) framework.


EMA Canada Inc: Solution Implementer


City Responsibilities:

  1. The City shall ensure that all hardware, software, access, and configuration system requirements as provided and updated by the Vendor from time to time are met and maintained. Suppose the City does not meet the system requirements for either servers or clients. In that case, the Licensed Programs may not install, update, or otherwise behave correctly, and the Vendor shall bear no responsibility, therefore. Further, the Vendor reserves the right to update the system requirements to support enhancements and changes to the Licensed Programs.

  2. The City shall facilitate the provision of the Maintenance Services and agrees: to designate a minimum of two (2) of the City's trained individuals within the City's organization, as the primary support contact individuals, who shall be the individuals through which all communication to and from the Vendor shall be channeled, unless otherwise agreed to by the Vendor.

  3. To prepare and maintain a physical environment (including without limitation electrical, temperature, and humidity) in conformance with all applicable hardware manufacturers' specifications.

  4. To maintain and procure external products for reconstruction of lost or altered files, data, or programs to the extent deemed necessary by the City, and for reconstructing any lost or modified files, data, or programs. The City is responsible for the security of its confidential, proprietary, and classified information.

  5. Agreement Exclusions: These items are the responsibility of the City:

    • courier services (or other delivery services) for custom modifications or fixes to "self-inflicted" problems;

    • reinstallations due to customer choice or "self-inflicted problems," including server migrations;

    • additional training;

    • virus cleaning;

    • file re-builds/data repair;

    • hardware problems;

    • network issues;

    • new workstation installations;

    • non-Licensor software (i.e., operating system training or basic windows training); or

    • after-hours support unless deemed a Priority 1 Incident.

  6. The City will, in accordance with Sections 4.3 (4) of the Agreement and subject to the Vendor's compliance with the City's Remote Access Policy, provide the Vendor, as required, with Internet and system access to the machines in which the Solution is installed and any other machines that the software is connecting to through screen screen-sharing technology

ADD Company - License Provider