Open your terminal and go into your local copy of corejs (note the path depends on where you originally put corejs):
cd /path_to/where_you_keep_/corejs
Switch to the master branch, pull the latest changes, and update the node packages:
git checkout master && git pull && npm update
While in the corejs directory, scaffold a new embedded or standalone project:
Embedded app: gulp scaffold -dir ../name_of_new_app --bare --embedded
Standalone app: gulp scaffold -dir ../name_of_new_app --bare --standalone
Note that you can remove the --bare option from the command line, if you want to consult a sample code.
Go to your project directory and install the node and bower packages:
cd ../name_of_new_app && npm install
At this point, you should be able to use gulp tasks to build and run your project:
gulp run
Now you are ready to build and customize your app. Here are some things you should do:
- Update your file so other developers know what your project is for and how to use it.
- Update your package.json file coreconfig options so your app uses the right resources and build properties.
- Add your application logic and code to app.html, main.js, and main.scss.
- The scaffolding process creates lots of sample boilerplate code and files inside your src directory. Change and/or delete what you don't need.