Accordion Component
Accordion Component
City of Toronto Web Design System
Example/ Demo:
Configuration Options:
You can set the heading level of the Accordion Titles
You can set the general title of the Accordion
There are 3 main methods available:
- collapseSectionById('title-of-the-accordion-section', true /*Optional ignore animation (default: false)*/);
- expandSectionById('title-of-the-accordion-section');
- expandAll();
- collapseAll();
There are 2 event listeners available fired on every action:
- hide-accordion-section
- show-accordion-section
Implementation Options:
<div id="js-cotui-app"></div> <div id="js-cotui-accordion-list-template" data-template> <div class="accordion__section"> <div class="accordion__header"> <h2> <button class="accordion__button" data-type="toggle" aria-controls="{{ID}}" aria-expanded="false"></button> </h2> </div> <div id="{{ID}}"> {{BODY}} </div> </div> </div>
<script> document.onreadystatechange = function () { if (document.readyState == "interactive") { var ui = new COTUI(); var ac = ui.Accordion({ target:'#js-cotui-app', // '#js-cotui-app' template: '#js-cotui-accordion-list-template', // Optional ('#js-cotui-accordion-list-template') || document.createElement('template') level: 2, // Optional (default: <h3 />) attrs:['cotui'], // Optional sections:[ { title:'Section 1', body: document.createElement('div'), expanded: true }, { title:'Section 2', body:'This is the 2 section body', expanded: false }, { title:'Section 3', body:'This is the 3 section body', expanded: false }, { title:'Section 4', body:'This is the 4 section body', expanded: false } ] }); ac.collapseSectionById( 'section-1', true, // Optional ignore animation (default: false) ); ac.expandSectionById('section-3'); ac.expandAll(); ac.collapseAll(); ac.addEventListener('hide-accordion-section',(evt)=>{}); ac.addEventListener('show-accordion-section',(evt)=>{}); } } </script>
Custom Element Definition
<script> const ui = new COTUI() </script>
<div is="cotui-accordion" title="A group of accordions" data-level="2" data-button-expand="btn btn-link" data-button-collapse="btn btn-link" data-allow-multiple> <section> <button data-type="toggle" aria-controls="ID-0" aria-expanded="true"> 0:Accordion Title </button> <div id="ID-0"> <p>Content for 0:Accordion Title goes here</p> </div> </section> <section> <button data-type="toggle" aria-controls="ID-1" aria-expanded="false"> 1:Accordion Title </button> <div id="ID-1"> <p>Content for 1:Accordion Title goes here</p> </div> </section> </div>