package.json file reference
baba baloul (Unlicensed)
The options in your package.json file determine how corejs builds your application. Configuring this file should be one of the first things you do on a new project.
Basic properties
This is the name of your application, and is set automatically when you scaffold your project. You should not have to change this property.
All new projects start at version 0.0.0. You should not have to update this property. The gulp release
corejs task will update this for you.
This indicates the current QA release of your project. You should not have to update this property. The gulp release
corejs task will update this for you.
This is a short description of your project. This is useful for other developers that may work on your project in the future.
This should be set to your name. This is useful for other developers that may work on your project in the future.
If there are many people working on this project, add them here. This is useful for other developers that may work on your project in the future.
devDependencies property
These are the npm packages that your application requires, and are set during scaffolding. You should not need to update this property.
dependencies properties
These are the npm packages that contains all the dependencies needed by CoreJS to build your project, regarding the options chosen (see below).
Here you can add particular dependencies that your app will use.
How to add a dependency
Search if your dependency already have a package
npm search nameofyourdependency
If you found a dependency, add it to your package
npm install nameofyourpackage --save
If you can't find a package BUT the dependency you need has a GitHub repo, you can install it like a package
npm install --save
coreConfig properties
These options determine how corejs builds your project, and which libraries are included. To minimize bloat, you should only set these to true if you need those features. Check out this table for specific details on what JS/CSS files are loaded for your project based on coreConfig properties.
When set to true, your project is built as a WordPress-embedded app that will be deployed to
When set to false, your project is built as a standalone app that can be deployed to internal web servers.
If you want to use a telephone formatted input field (you use any validationtype=Phone cot form fields), set this to true. Your app will use the intl-tel-input plugin.
If you want to use masked input fields for auto-formatting, set this to true. Your app will use the jquery.maskedinput plugin.
If you want to build a form, you should set this to true. Your application will use the cot_forms.js library, along with form validation and other plugins.
If you need to use a fancy dropdown field with features that go beyond a standard dropdown, you should set this to true. Your application will have the jquery-editable-select plugin added.
If you need to support older browsers, and you want to use placeholders on forms, you should set this to true. Your application will add support for the html placeholder attribute in older browsers.
If you need to use a <select multiple>
field and you want to customize it to look and act nicely, you should set this to true.
Your application will have the bootstrap-multiselect plugin added, along with the cot_multiselect.js helper file.
If you are using google maps and you have lots of markers that are clustered together, you should set this to true. Your application will have the google maps OMS plugin added.
If you need a nice calendar widget, you should set this to true. Your application will have the fullcalendar plugin added.
If you need to embed a map, you should set this to true. Your application will have the leafletJS library added, as well as ESRI-Leaflet, Leaflet-markerCluster and ESRI-leaflet-clustered-feature-layer plugins.
See more information about CoT Map
If you need a date picker field or you use type=datetimepicker on your cot_form, you should set this to true. Your application will have the bootstrap-datetimepicker plugin added.
If you are building a standalone app that requires login with the Common Components environment, you should set this to true. Your application will have the cot_login.js class added.
More information about CoT Login
If you need a date range picker field or you use type=daterangepicker on your cot_form, you should set this to true. Your application will have the bootstrap-daterangepicker plugin added.
If you need to manipulate or format dates, you should set this to true. Your application will have the moment.js library added.
If you'd like a set of javascript tools for modeling, routing, events, and more, then set this to true. Your application will have the Backbone and Underscore javascript libraries added.
If you are building a standalone app that needs to use the City's standard webtrends account, then set this to true. Your application will have webtrends added with the appropriate key set (based on build/deploy environment)
If you are building a standalone app, then set this to true or false. This helps determine which webtrends key to add for production builds.
DEPRECATED since version 9.0.0. Use CoT Modal
If you'd like a fancy and simple way to do javascript alerts and prompts, then set this to true. Your application will have the bootbox.js library added.
If you'd like a fancy way to do file uploads, then set this to true. Your application will have the dropzone file uploader added.
If you need to display modal bootstrap dialogs, then set this to true. Your application will have the cot_modal.js helper file added.
More information about CoT Modal
If you need to display a Terms and Conditions dialog, then set this to true. Your application will have the cot_terms.js helper file added.
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