Getting Started

Step-by-step guide

  1. Make sure that npm is installed on your computer. It is best that you have the latest version installed. Otherwise you may run into issues below.
  2. Make sure that git is installed on your computer. It is best that you have the latest version installed. Otherwise you may run into issues below.
  3. Make sure that your git installation is set up to cache your github password in git
  4. Make sure you are set up to work on the city's proxy.
  5. Clone corejs to your local machine:

cd /path_to/some_working_directory && git clone

   When prompet to enter the password for provide your Novell ID's Password

  1. Go into the new corejs directory and install the core npm packages:

cd corejs && npm install

You will also want to make sure Gulp is installed:

sudo npm install gulp-cli -g

Done ?

Now you can Create a new core-based project

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