Training & Learning Development

ITIL Standard

to be added


Technology Training provides learning services to all staff in the Toronto Public Service including corporate business application training, self-directed learning and educational events.  


The primary goal of these services is to improve the capability, capacity, productivity and performance of staff through providing the technology skills required in their present job.


·       Support the City’s return on investment on the implementation of technology solutions.

·       Build operational skills to ensure the awareness, mind-set and ability to confidently use digital workplace tools and increase productiity .

·       Enhance user experience by incorporating modern, engaging instructional techniques.

·       Incorporate innovative technology enabled learning using effective training formats.

·       Identify digital technology and applications to improve existing business processes and workforce efficiency, enhance customer experience.


Training Phase




Training Consulting and Planning

Ongoing training scheduled.

Course update scoping and planning.


Design/maintain course and or modules


Walk-through/demo provided for system updates and/or business process changes.

Training delivery method determined (ILT, VILT, Self-Directed online learning).


Develop/Maintain course

Updated course content and training documentation.

Maintain Training Environment and Training Schedule

Updated training environment.

Training scheduled to meet business needs.

Course Review

Ongoing approval/revision of training materials.

Training Administration

Ongoing training scheduled to meet business needs.

Attendance Reporting.


Training Communication

Training schedule communicated to Business Lead.

Training Delivery

Training sessions delivered as scheduled.

Feedback requested from participants.

Training Completion Reports provided to System Administrators.

Training participants granted access to system.


Training Report

Review/implementation of training feedback.


Roles and Responsibilities

To be added


Training Service Scenario Overview


Scenario 1:  Course Registration/Attendance for New Users (User Experience)

Training Phase




Training Delivery

•Training sessions delivered

•Training Completion Reports provided to System Administrators


Training Report

•Review/Implementation of Training feedback


Scenario 2:  New Course Development Requested – Sustainment

Training Phase


Main Interactions with Business


Training Consulting and Planning

•Course Scoping and Planning verified


Design Course/Modules

•Course Outline verified

•Training Delivery Method determined

Exceptions to Standard

Exceptions based on Divisional practises

•Specialized training based on regulations/practices

•Specialized or alternative training requirements and needs

•Resources or teams involved in providing Training


Current State Sustainment Training Investigation Process

Investigation of Current State Sustainment Training Models

Training Models





Divisions / Units

Parks Forestry & Recreation: urban Forestry

Transportation Services

Solid Waste Management

Toronto Water

Technology Services Business Application Services 2 (BAS2) Team



Initiation of Training Requests

Deployment of Training for New Users

Deployment of Refresher Courses

Training Support Team

Current State Training Roles and Accountabilities

Identification of Gaps / Opportunities

Preliminary Current State Sustainment Training Findings

Current State Training Model

Preliminary Findings

Technical training support

No formal training process in place

Business (End User) training support

No formal training process in place

Centralized knowledge management

Enterprise approach to Training and a repository for general knowledge is currently unavailable

Tools and References