Setup Bitbucket in Souretree

Setup Bitbucket in Souretree

City uses Bitbucket Cloud as the code repository, Sourcetree is a free repository client (GIT GUI), both are Atlassian productions.

This article helps users set up Sourcetree to access City’s Bitbucket repository. For how to use Sourcetree to create a repository, pull and other general usage, please refer to this document: Tutorial: Learn Bitbucket with Sourcetree | Bitbucket Cloud | Atlassian Support


  1. Download Sourcetree and install it Sourcetree | Free Git GUI for Mac and Windows

  2. Open Sourcetree, go to Tools → Options → Network

    1. Set the proxy server setting as follows

      1. Server: proxy.toronto.ca

      2. Port: 8080

    2. Check Proxy server requires username and password

      1. Click Username and Password…

      2. Enter your Novell username (org\userid) and password

Set up the Proxy Server

When you change the password, please re-enter the password in the Proxy server section.

Alternatively, you can run the following comment in the Git command line:

git config --global http.proxy http://YOURUSERNAME:YourNewPASSWORD@proxy.toronto.ca:8080

git config --global https.proxy https://YOURUSERNAME:YourNewPassword@proxy.toronto.ca:8080

 Related links

Sourcetree Tutorial

GTS Repository - If you don’t have the proper access to the repository you need, please contact the repository owner.

Setup Bitbucket in VS Code