Reference Resources

Reference Resources

Below are some links for references rescuers/youtube related to AWS Cloud Migration

5 Steps to Building a Culture of Security

Scaling a governance, risk, and compliance program for the cloud, emerging technologies, and innovation

 AWS X-Ray sample application

 Introducing Compute Optimizer

 Getting the most out of S3

Multi-part Upload Overview

Using High-Level (s3) Commands with the AWS CLI

 AWS PrivateLink Integration with Appian Cloud

What is the easiest entry for solutions for Elastic Cache - can’t put in an auto scaling group


Elastic-search Use case


BMW - Beanstalk

 Compare ECS and EKS





Blockchain - worm?

Aurora Multi master

 Database Migration service (DMS) Verizon presentation


Ongoing replication

SQLServer RDS Migration

 AWS Kafka

 Apache Cassandra


Youtube Videos:


Netflix presentation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mL3zT1iIKw 

Encryption (Bill Shinn) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhXalpNzPU4

James Hamilton - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj7Ting6Ckk