Common Spellings

Common Spellings

This page outlines the standard spelling for words that may have different spellings depending on context and usage. Also refer to the City Writing and Style Guide for further communication standards.

eBilling, eBill

no hyphen, lowercase “e”, capital “B”

Enrol, Unenrol

Enrolment, Unenrolment

one “L”


Enrolled, Unenrolled

Enrolling, Unenrolling

two “L”s



Single word when used as a noun or adjective
Exception: Can be used as the button name

Log in, Log In

Two words when used as a verb
No hyphen
Use title case if it's the title for a screen and when referring to that screen's name e.g., Return to Log In


Single word when used as a noun or adjective
Exception: Can be used as the button name

Log out, Log Out

Two words when used as a verb
No hyphen
Use title case if it's the title for a screen and when referring to that screen's name e.g., Return to Log Out



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