An image tile menu can be used if the content is visually appealing and high quality photographs are available for each tile. Approval is required from Digital Communications to use this template.
Powerful, high-quality photographs are the main criteria for using the image tile template. The content of the photos should directly reflect the title of the tile. The photos should be attractive, appealing, memorable and colourful while also adding value, telling a story and encouraging users to click on the tile to learn about the content.
Tile Image Specifications
Photographs – no graphics, logos, photo composites or text overlay.
Size – 600 x 400px, 72dpi, 10MB or less. (Original, high resolution, uncropped images should be initially provided so that they can be included in case re-cropping is needed.)
Ratio – 3:2 with the focal point of the image centered in case the image is cropped when viewing on smaller screens.
Page Elements
Number of tiles - six to nine tiles are recommended.
Page banner/video - a page banner or a video (but not both) may appear in the banner position.
Introductory text - the page should contain a concise introduction (minimum one to maximum three sentences) that explains the content.
If a web team believes their page is a good candidate for an image tile template, the division’s Web Lead or Publisher should email with a request. Provide sample photos and content summary to Digital Communications (DC) in advance.
DC must provide approve the use of this template. If the images do not meet the criteria above, the standard tile template without images will be used instead.