The source code has been migrated to GitLab, and its Git repositories are shown as follows. The source code is available on GitLab and can be built and executed as a Spring Boot application on an embedded Tomcat server, in contrast to the previously utilized WebSphere Application Server on a local workstation. The deployment EAR file for SIT WAS is transferred via scp through a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) process to the smb://snowbird.corp.toronto.ca/inet/webas/lib/HSI-Intranet/ directory. This process can be configured for the desired folder in the gitlab-ci.yml file.
Application | Repository |
HSI DataSync Job scripts | https://vcs.toronto.ca:6443/devops/eis/harmony-datasync.git |
HSIDataSyncTCS | https://vcs.toronto.ca:6443/devops/eis/hsidatasynctcs.git |
HSIDataSyncOW | https://vcs.toronto.ca:6443/devops/eis/hsidatasyncow.git |
HSIDataSyncRGI | https://vcs.toronto.ca:6443/devops/eis/hsidatasyncrgi.git |
HSIDataysncFP | https://vcs.toronto.ca:6443/devops/eis/hsidatasyncfp.git |