Sponsor Logos

Web Banners - Partner Recognition

Partner recognition on toronto.ca web banners is possible only when these style requirements are followed. Web banners must use high quality images (not graphics) and can contain a partner recognition box with sponsor logo and optional introductory text.

Partner Recognition Box specifications

  • Place the box in the bottom right corner

    • align bottom of the box flush with the bottom of banner image

    • align the box with the right edge of the banner image (arrange edge-to-edge to fit snugly)

  • Box height: 33% of banner height

    • banner image: 990px width by 330px height

    • box height: 110px (33% of 330px banner height)

  • One logo only. If you have multiple logos, contact digital@toronto.ca

  • Logo/text position within the box must include padding:

    • top: 14px

    • bottom: minimum 14px

    • right/left: 20px

  • Centre align logo within the box.

  • Background colours are white or black at 80% opacity. No other colours are to be used. 

Introductory Text within Partner Recognition Box

  • Logo may be accompanied by a line of text within the box explaining the sponsor's role, but introductory text is optional.

  • The text must run in a single line above the logo. If you need help with an unusual logo shape, contact digital@toronto.ca.

  • Use Roboto regular font at 16pt.

  • Text colour is black or white. No other text colours are to be used.

  • Text must be title case. Do not use all caps.

  • Text and logo must be aligned centre.

Social Sharing Image

When adding a partner logo to a web page banner, you must also create a social sharing image to upload it to WordPress. The default of social platforms is to grab the centre point of the banner image. Depending on your design, this results in the sponsor logo being awkwardly cut off.  For best results across social media platforms, use an image with a 2:1 aspect ratio that is 1024 x 512px or greater. Some platforms may crop the edges, so allow a 10px bleed on all sides.

Content Section

Sponsor logos must be smaller than the City of Toronto logo in top blue band in desktop - 225px max width in desktop and mobile.


Version 2.02 . March 2024 . City of Toronto Web Standards