Before you Begin and Terms of Use
Before You Begin
This section is a short bulleted list indicating what the user will need to complete the form. This should focus on things that are needed in hand (credit card, document, reference number, scanned documents) versus things that they will know (name, address). The intention is so that users do not get partway through a form and discover they need to go find information.
Keep this section short. Detailed information can be presented on the preceding informational pages.
Terms of Use
Terms of use is not always required
The Terms of Use has standard language that is the specified for the application. It should be reviewed by Legal (confirm?)
To improve the length of the page, the Terms of Use can be put in a scroll section.
From Legal, a user can only agree to the Terms of Use, they cannot agree to a Notice of Collection.
Wording for checkbox: “I have read and agree to the Terms of Use.”
Checkbox should in a sentence case, not all caps
Error message style should match the style used for form field validations, with the box highlighted in red with a red cross, and the text in red below.
Typically the buttons are Cancel and Proceed
Optional (may not be required)
Style: btn-cancel
Location: Left
Action: Exits application to preceding page
Style: btn-primary
Location: Right
Action: Advances to the application
Note that “Previous” is an incorrect label and should not be used.