2022-05-11 Festivals & Events Design


May 11, 2022


  • @Sara Greenwood

  • @Uni (Hwa Young) Oh

  • @Derek Matthew

  • @Joseph McLarty




  • Co-design

 Discussion topics





Photo Gallery

  • Looked at options

Option 1: Overlay
Option 2: Inline
  • Preference for Option 2, with the image in-line on page

    • Reduce opacity of thumbnails

    • Selected thumbnail should have focus and be 100% opacity

  • Photo sizes needed:

    • Thumbnails

    • Display size

    • Original

  • Open image in modal / new tab - need alternative to + symbol

    • Use text

  • Photo description mandatory

  • Mobile

    • Photo description

      • shows max 2 line with dots to expand - same as banners

    • Thumbnails

      • responsive - 2 or 3 column


Uni to review with team and update Confluence

Header and Footer

Things to consider

  • Blue bar

    • Height of bar

    • Height and position of logo

    • Where logo links to

  • Breadcrumb standards

  • Alternative navigations (e.g. Elections, other logged in sites)

  • Footer

    • Location of information (left aligned vs centered)

    • Standard for what needs to be included: copyright, privacy, accessibility


 Action items
