Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Only one highlight per page.

  • Highlight text must be no more than 300 characters, including spaces.

  • Must be written in sentence case.

  • If used on menu pages, it must appear at the top above the tiles or bullets. On standard pages can be used anywhere, but usually close to the top since it features high-priority content.

  • If both the highlight and call-to-action are used on the same page, the highlight must appear below the call-to-action.

  • Must not duplicate content found elsewhere on the page.

  • Should focus on one topic.

  • No titles, bullets, images/logos or italics.

  • Do not use line breaks or multiple paragraphs within highlight.

  • Hyperlinks are allowed.

  • Must not be used as a section heading or act as in-page navigation, for example, as an anchor link to sections lower on the page.

  • When the goal is to prompt the user to complete a specific action, use the call-to-action instead. Do not use line breaks or multiple paragraphs within highlight.